
John Constable Landscape Painting Mural Wallpaper in Living Room with Brown Furniture.

The finest seasonal wallpaper trends

There’s never been a more exciting time in the interior design landscape. Big statement murals are surging, feature ceilings have officially landed, and 70s revival is well underway.

Chateau Chic Wallpaper.

7 Inspirational Design Ideas Using Luxury Wallpaper

The perfect wallcovering can breathe life into a room like no individual furnishing can. In the luxury end of the wallpaper space, you’ll find designs that transform the ordinary into the breathtaking and take decoration to an art form.

Farrow Ball Dead Flat Hague Blue.

Spotlight On: Farrow & Ball Dead Flat Paint®

With a completely matte finish, Farrow & Ball Dead Flat Paint® offers the lowest level of sheen on the market. This means you can create an elegant, calming design that will remain in style for years to come.